Brain Brevac PD 38000
The Brevac is a portable Vacuum Tanker
Trailer Mounted Vacuum Tanker with pressure discharge facility. Used for digestor and lagoon cleaning where large volumes of material are required to be moved.
Suitable for
- Sump Cleaning
- Belt Spillage Cleaning
- Lagoon Cleaning
- Face Slurry Removal
- Tank Cleaning
- Digestor Cleaning
- Sewer Cleaning
- Oil Refineries
- Grit Blast Removal
22.5 M3 Body Capacity.
150mm (6″) Suction & Discharge connections.
Material Holding – 22.5 M3 (5000 Galls)
Liquid Ring System 81 M3 /Min (2860 cfm) 26″Hg 7 Bar (100 PSI)
Pressure Discharge System automatic suction / discharge control for high volume pumping of sludge and solids up to 200 M3 / Hr.