Brain 3Float Skimmer

Collects oil from surface water

The Skimmers are designed to send a steady stream of free oil from the surface of a liquid to any reception facility. The Skimmers are commonly used with other oil and water separation technologies.


The skimmer works by removing surface contaminated water with Hydrocarbons, the floating skimmer can be used inside retention tanks, drains and free standing water.

The Skimmer has a self levelling weir

Working in conjunction with secondary oil/water separation technology such as the Vertical Gravity Separator (V.G.S) the skimmer can be used for the following applications

Height: 520mm Diameter: 600mm

Flow Rate: 600 -300 L/hr

Min Depth Required: 300mm

Materials: Polished Stainless Steel

Out let size: 1 ½ “



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Brain Associates
Product Name
3Float Skimmer
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